

You will find in this page some scripts and programs written in various languages that you can download to help you to implement the methods of the SkyBoT Web service into your own application. If you develop a client or improve the code of a client, we would be grateful to you to send it to us to share it with the community of the SkyBoT users. For that, please document your code so that it is comprehensible, and send it to us by email with all information which you will consider useful.

Python client

To query the SkyBoT service in Python scripts, you can implement HTTP requests with the module http.client or requests. But you will certainly prefer to use the Astroquery affiliated package of astropy.

Usage: A simple cone search for Solar System objects in a circular field, looks like this:

>>> from astroquery.imcce import Skybot
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> field = SkyCoord(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg)
>>> epoch = Time('2019-05-29 21:42', format='iso')
>>> Skybot.cone_search(field, 5*u.arcmin, epoch)

More info: read the SkybotClass documentation

Available method:

  • conesearch

PHP client

The proposed PHP clients allow to invoke all the methods of the SkyBoT Web service via the HTTP protocol. They are written for PHP7 and use the native PHP SOAP protocol.

Application: the scripts can be used standalone, or easily transformed into functions or classes to call the SkyBoT Web service methods from a service or a Web form.


$> php client_<method>.php

Available methods:

  • conesearch
  • resolver
  • status
  • getAvailability


C client

The proposed C clients allow to invoke the methods of the SkyBoT Web service via the HTTP+SOAP protocol. To compile the programs, you have to install the gSOAP library.

Application: the C programs are standalone and provide a simple interface to the methods of SkyBoT Web-service. They provides snippets to develop your own application using SkyBoT.


$> ./client_<method>.sh <args>

Available methods:

  • conesearch
  • resolver
  • status


TCL client

The proposed TCL script allows to invoke the methods ‘conesearch’, ‘resolver’ and ‘status’ of the SkyBoT Web service. It requires the package TclSOAP to be executed. The original script has been developed for the Audela software.

Application: the client shows how to invoke in TCL language the methods of the SkyBoT Web service, and provides snippets to develop your own application using SkyBoT (conesearch, resolver).


set erreur [ catch { vo_skybotconesearch <args> } skybotmsg ]
set erreur [ catch { vo_skybotresolver <args> } skybotmsg ]
set erreur [ catch { vo_skybotstatus <args> } skybotmsg ]

Available methods:

  • conesearch
  • resolver
  • status
